Artists, Events And Entertainment Inc.

20 Company Picnic Venue Ideas

entertainers for company picnicAre you in charge of planning your company picnic? Or in charge of planning another company’s annual summer picnic? Then this blog post is for you: the planner starting from scratch trying to coordinate the perfect summer company picnic that makes employees glad to be working for their employer. We know that every party planner’s process is different, with some event planners starting by determining the theme (if so, you’ll want to read our theme suggestion post) and some the company picnic venue.

Unfortunately, choose the right venue for your picnic is not as simple as choosing from our list, as there are more factors to use when determining the right company picnic venue:

  1. Number of people
  2. Demographic of your crowd (adults only, families, etc.)
  3. Date & time/availability
  4. Logistics (transportation to, parking, etc.)

Once you’ve nailed down these key details, now it’s time to brainstorm the right local venue for your crowd. Here are a few suggestions for company picnic venue ideas to get you started:

  1. Restaurant
  2. Zoo
  3. Museum
  4. Park
  5. Rooftop deck
  6. Football arena
  7. Botanical garden
  8. Boat/cruise
  9. Lake cabin
  10. Water park
  11. Ice arena
  12. Race track
  13. Fairgrounds
  14. Baseball stadium/park
  15. Pool
  16. Bandshell
  17. Casino
  18. Airport Hangar
  19. Aquarium
  20. Art gallery

The next step is choosing a theme and arranging for food and entertainment for your guests. Contact an entertainment agent who can recommend entertainers that fit with your company picnic venue and theme. An experienced agent can listen to your vision and make recommendations, or can come up with unique entertainment ideas perfect for your event. Together you can create an employee appreciation event that makes the employees feel valued, and you feel accomplished.

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