Artists, Events And Entertainment Inc.

30 Entertainers for the Best Corporate Event Themes

carnivale themed table ladyThe best corporate event themes wouldn’t be complete without the right event entertainment. Guests love the atmosphere that comes with good entertainment, and event planners love the atmosphere that the right entertainment, décor, and refreshments creates.

As with any element of event planning, the list of ideas for entertainers for the best corporate event themes is endless. This list of entertainers is only a start to the task of pairing entertainment with the right event theme. (Contact an entertainment agent to choose and coordinate the right theme entertainers for the event.)

Tropical Theme

  1. Atmospheric servers
  2. Steel Drum Band
  3. Mariachi Band
  4. Tropical Dance Act

Roaring 20s/Great Gatsby

  1. Gangster Entertainers
  2. Jazz, Blues or Brass Band

great gatsby entertainers








Country Fair

  1. Face Painters
  2. Band
  3. Juggling
  4. LED Entertainers
  5. Balloon Sculptor
  6. Atmospheric Servers

child with holiday facepaint for corporate christmas holiday party








Casino Royale

  1. Showgirls
  2. Atmospheric Servers
  3. Band

showgirls at casino 0518








  1. Jugglers
  2. Face Painters
  3. Tarot Card Reader
  4. Stilt walker

stilt walker for outdoor wedding







Movie Theme

  1. Celebrity Impersonator (i.e. Blues Brother, James Bond, etc.)
  2. Band
  3. Atmospheric entertainers that fit with the movie

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Red Carpet

  1. Paparazzi
  2. Showgirls
  3. Celebrity Impersonators

showgirl at elegant gala








50s Diner

  1. Atmospheric Servers
  2. Barbershop Quartet
  3. Classic Band

1950s entertainers at corporate event theme









  1. Holiday Character (i.e. Father Christmas, Easter Bunny, etc.)
  2. Carolers
  3. Elves
  4. Face Painters
  5. Balloon Sculptor

holiday scrooge

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