Our Talent
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Human Statutes
- Holiday Entertainment
Ice Bar
- Interactive Show
Jeanette Andrews
- Acoustic Artists
Jennifer Lowe String Quartet
- Featured Talent
Jingle Bells Rocking Pianos
- Impersonators
Joan Rivers Look Alike
- Jazz
Jodi Beach Jazz Trio
- Comedy
John P Hopkins
- Acoustic Artists
Julie Goldberg
- Comedy
Ken Mate, Magic
- Caribbean Acts
- Acoustic Artists
Los Paisanos Mariachi's
- Bands & Orchestras
Mambo All-stars
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Marilyn Monroe
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Mark and Janet Duo
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Marshall Vente Solo & Orchestra
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Human Statutes
- Holiday Entertainment
Ice Bar
- Interactive Show
Jeanette Andrews
- Acoustic Artists
Jennifer Lowe String Quartet
- Featured Talent
Jingle Bells Rocking Pianos
- Impersonators
Joan Rivers Look Alike
- Jazz
Jodi Beach Jazz Trio
- Comedy
John P Hopkins
- Acoustic Artists
Julie Goldberg
- Comedy
Ken Mate, Magic
- Caribbean Acts
- Acoustic Artists
Los Paisanos Mariachi's
- Bands & Orchestras
Mambo All-stars
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Marilyn Monroe
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Mark and Janet Duo
- Atmospheric Entertainment
Marshall Vente Solo & Orchestra