Artists, Events And Entertainment Inc.

Music in the Park – Free Family Event

Take a midweek break and join us for a night of great nice music and dancing, food and a cool beer or glass of wine.

Rick Lindy & The Wild Ones Band

Wednesday, August 12
7pm – 8:30pm

50’s & 60’s Music, fun for the whole family!

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park
1800 Riverwoods Dr.
Melrose Park, IL 60160

Music & patio bar opens at 6pm and band starts at 7pm.

Wine & Beer

These events will follow Restore Illinois Phase 4 requirements. Space is limited. First come, first serve. Socially-distant seating will be in place. Face coverings are required and guests must sign in at event.

708-343-5270 |

music in the park august 12 2020

Entertainment Booking Agency in Chicago, IL

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